2021-- we made it!
2020 was an “adventurous” year to say the least. From January to December, there were bombs being dropped on the world from left and right. For some, 2020 will be remembered as the best year of their lives, and unfortunately for others, 2020 will leave them with painful memories. But one thing that’s for certain is 2020 will go down as one of the craziest years in history.
I think it’s pretty safe to say that everyone wanted to start this year off with a clean slate. I feel like once the calendar hit January 1, 2021, every post on my timeline was talking about “words” and “themes” for the year. From top to bottom, with every scroll, I was being asked, “What is your word for 2021?”
2020 was my transformational year. My year of growth. My year of discovering new truths. My year of embracing who I am and making time to explore the things that I like. I spent of alot of time listening last year. A lot of time giving last year. And due to our never-ending quarantine recommendations, regulations, and restrictions, I spent alot of time with myself, by myself last year. And you know what?! It felt amazing! If I had to put a name or title to my life’s chapter of 2020, it would be called, "BREAKING FREE”.
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Last year, I truly began to learn what it meant to live a free life and to have a free spirit. To truly trust the vibes and to go with the flow of life. To let go of trying to force things to work and to choose faith over fear. To no longer go along with something simply because that’s the norm. To remove myself from situations that drain my energy. To no longer feel obligated to traditions, protocols, and societal standards.
My level of “unbothered” and “miss me with the bullsh*t” reached an all time high last year.
I learned that my time is my greatest asset and that I have the power to decide how to spend it.
The peace and clarity that I gained in my life last year was worth everything that I lost.
This year...it’s personal.
In 2021, I plan to really take control of my life. To do whatever TF I want to do. To live however I want to live. And to become all that I’m destined to be.
Why?! Because, I deserve.
Often times we find ourselves battling with imposter syndrome, making excuses for ourselves, or comparing ourselves to the images that we see in the media, always questioning ourselves, “What am I doing wrong? or “Why not me?”.
Well, sis, this year, I’m here to tell you, it’s all about you! This year the theme is “It’s Personal”.This year I want to encourage you to live out your wildest dreams, to go after the goals that scare you, and to create the life that you’ve always envisioned.
Let's be honest, you owe it to yourself.
Cheers to 2021 and to claiming what’s already ours!
Peace & Blessings