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5 Tips for International Travel

Tasha Butler

I've learned a "lil something something" about traveling internationally from my most recent vacations, so I figured, "Why not share the wealth?!?!"....well maybe not money lol but some here are some helpful tips that can save a couple coins.

Feel free to add tips, tricks, and suggestions to this list!

1. Ziploc bag everything. Whether it’s in your carryon or in your checked luggage, place all liquids in a ziplock sealed bag. I’ve noticed that the air pressure in the planes has caused my hair care products, lotions, and other liquid products to open while in the sky. Remember, if your liquids are over 3.4oz, you MUST check them on in your suitcase. TSA Liquids Rule

2. Wear comfortable clothes to the airport. This should be a no brainer but there are still some ladies who want to be super cute and glammed out at the airport! It’s not necessary lol. The more accessories that you have, the longer your walk through TSA will be.

3. Bring a credit card! This is something that I recently learned. When using a credit card, you normally won’t get charged for international fees. This was a life saver during our vacation in Europe. Now, you'll still get charged the conversion amount. For example a 5 euros charge would be 6.50 USD charge but there shouldn't be any additional fees. When I used my SECU VISA credit cards, I didn't have any foreign fees, however, I did notice a foreign fee with my Southwest Visa card. Just be sure to contact your card provider before leaving. You may also have to clear it for international travel so that they won't assume it's fraud.

4. Bring US cash with you and convert at a local Western Union or similar establishment. Converting money at the airport normally has a higher transaction fee. If you decide to convert at an international airport, I would suggest comparing the exchange rates and fees from withdrawing from an ATM in the local currency.

5. Bring an electrical converter. When we got to our hotel in Paris, none of our electronics could charge because they have different outlets. A simple, universal outlet should do the trick.

Hope this helps!!!


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