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At-Home Waxing With Flamingo

Tasha Butler

If 2020 has taught me anything it's been to become self-sufficient -- in all aspects of life. At the beginning of this year's quarantine when the beauty salons and spas were unable to have clients I immediately thought to myself, “How long will I walk around here looking like Chewbacca?”

At first, I thought I could manage. The lockdown would only last 2 weeks right…


Here we were three months into a shutdown so I figured I would have to take matters into my own hands.

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Frequent trips to Target became my weekly hobby as I spent much of my time perusing through the aisles searching for new beauty products to try. No matter which store I was in, there was always an eye-catching display of Flamingo products that seemed to grab my attention. I’ve always been a razor type of gal though, the thought of waxing at home seemed too painful to bear. I would much rather pay a professional to torture….remove my unwanted body hair. But then Flamingo ads started to show on my timeline, and then again in my inbox. I figured I might as well give it try. It’s not like I would see my esthetician anytime soon.

First, let me start by saying -- yes waxing is uncomfortable. Although Flamingo’s wax strips are super friendly to use, if you have a low tolerance for pain, waxing may not be the best thing for you to try on your own, especially if you’re a beginner or first-timer. Luckily Flamingo also offers razors that work just as well. (Just had to get that disclaimer out of the way I didn't want you to think that this was going to be a completely smooth process. Beauty is pain right?! )

Flamingo carries a variety of body care products ranging from waxing kits to razors to body moisturizers. I’ve tried a handful of their products and must say -- I am thoroughly impressed. For starters, I love the price point of these products. They’re all very affordable, ranging between $10 and $25.

Secondly, Flamingo is the first brand to bring “soft gel” wax strips to the United States. These strips come ready to use without having to heat them up or slather it on a wooden stick. This also makes for easy cleanup. Their wax is cruelty-free and doesn’t contain any artificial fragrances or colors. Outside of normal irritation immediately after waxing, I have not had any adverse reactions. They also carry an ingrown spot treatment that helps free trapped hair without drying out your skin.

Lastly, I love the packaging of Flamingo’s wax kits. I use their face, body, and pubic hair wax kits and love how compact they are. Each kit comes with 20+ wax strips, post-wax wipes, and a set of instructions. I’ve found the pictures in the directions to be helpful and they even have useful tips on their website in “The Wax Guide”.

If you’re ready to turn your bathroom into a spa check out the variety of products from Flamingo. In addition to their body grooming kits, you should also try their nourishing cream, lotion, and mon’s mist. You can stock up on these products by visiting or grabbing them on your next Target run.

Who knows….we may be heading towards another lockdown soon.


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