"Alexa...play Rihanna- Work".
Hmmm are we working or are we just wishing?
We live in a society where fake grinding has become the norm and getting down to the nitty gritty of the real grind has become #teamtoomuch.
We want to put #Boss #CEO in our Instagram bio’s but are half-assing the work. We want to find the quickest and easiest come up and label it as hard work. Started from the bottom...nahhhh we want to start in the middle so that it’s easier to reach the top. Everyone wants to be a hustler, yet they can’t seem to find the beauty in the struggle.
Listen, if you’re trying to break that glass ceiling at your job, run a successful business, or even drop 10 lbs to prepare for summer you have two options.
Ladies, look, I’ve been wishing and hoping and praying that I’ll lose 20lbs for about a year lol. Do you think that’s happened??
No! lol Want to know why? Because I’ve been wishing without putting in the work. If I’m eating unhealthy and not going to the gym, how in the world will I get my snatch back on? I’m trynna be slim thick in 20Greateen, okkayyyy! But I have a lot more work to do. So although I’m wishing, praying, and even speaking it into existence, if I’m not doing my cardio and squats, that booty won’t be sitting lol. Do you see where I’m going with this?
We all want to manifest greatness, but aren’t even putting in the work for our visions to come into fruition.
If you want to know the secret to success, here it is.
1. Stop Making Excuses
No one wants to hear, “I was going to but...I was about to but...I thought about it but” but but but….stop making excuses and just do it. We get it….we know that you’re tired….but there’s still work to be done!
2. Write Down Your Action Plan
Goal setting is great! I do it all of the time. But you can plan all you want, and still never execute. As the saying goes, “A goal without a plan is just a dream”. If you don’t have a strategy to achieve those goals, I’m sorry to say, but more than likely, what you want will remain a wish.
3. Do The Work!
If you don’t do it, it won’t get done. Understand that there are no shortcuts to achieve success. You must take the initiative to be motivated. Learn all that there is to know, get your hands dirty and do the work.
I want to see all of my Regal Ladies reach and surpass their goals. More working and less wishing in 2018. Figure out your game plan and get to work!
Until next time…..Stay classy, confident, & compelling.