Hey Ladies!! So as many of you know, I am a member of the 2019 Sheabassador Class. Every month or so I receive new and fan favorite products from Shea Moisture to review for you all. This month’s Sheabassador box included their new Coconut Custard Wash N Go Collection.

(This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase. All thoughts are my own.)
Included in this collection you can find five signature products that work to help your wash n go’s last for the long haul.
Their shampoo, conditioner, and revival oil are priced at $11.99, while their gel defining oil and curl revival oil retail price are $13.99. In total, to purchase all of the products within this collection, it will cost you about $65.
This collection is meant to provide you with a simple 5-step process to make your curls stay fresh after you wash n go. While I’m normally a flat twist type of gal, I accepted the challenge to see how long I could make my wash n go last by using Shea Moisture’s Coconut Custard Make It Last Wash N Go Collection.
Check it out below!
Overall, I’m slightly satisfied with these products, with the curl primer being my favorite. Shea Moisture recommends using the shingling method with this product and it definitely helped. On the other hand, their gel defining oil left my hair flaky by day 2. I used their curl revival oil to freshen up my curls and to attempt to remove most of the flakes, but it still left me with product build up in my hair.
The next time that I use this collection, I will use less of the gel defining oil and use the curl revival oil along with the primer.
Have you tried this collection yet? What are your thoughts? Sound off below!